Sex and Gender Science Chairs

The emerging field of sex and gender science aims to deepen our understanding of how biological and social influences interact to affect health and disease. The purpose of the Sex and Gender Science Chairs funding opportunity is to support in-depth investigations in the field of sex and gender science by promoting a cadre of discipline-specific Chairs to increase visibility and drive innovation in their respective fields. The Chairs will investigate sex and/or gender as a primary research question within the investigator's field of research, while also building capacity and sharing findings within and outside of their research communities.
Funds available
The maximum amount per chair is $175,000 per year for four years, for a total of $700,000 per Chair.
- $100,000 per year for research support
- $75,000 per year for capacity-building activities, including trainee support, mentoring, knowledge translation activities, etc. Note: these funds are not intended to support data collection/knowledge creation.
This funding initiative is expected to:
- Grow the science of sex and gender research through the development and application of novel methods for elucidating the sex- and gender-related mechanisms that underpin the risk, incidence and response of various health and disease conditions in order to shape new therapies, interventions, programs and policies;
- Increase visibility and position Canada as a leader in discipline-specific sex and gender science; and
- Support capacity building in sex and gender science among the next generation of health researchers.
The competition is now closed.

Exploring Sex Differences in the Etiology of Cancers: A Critical Look at Endocrine Disrupting Agents (EDCs) in the Workplace
Principal Investigator: Vikki Ho, Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)
Research Area: Cancer Research

Sex and Asthma: Immunomodulatory Mechanisms in Airway Inflammation
Principal Investigator: Neeloffer Mookherjee, University of Manitoba
Research Area: Circulatory and Respiratory Health

Real-World Evidence on the Association Between Diabetes and Sex on Cardiovascular Event Rates (The REDISCOVER Study)
Principal Investigator: Padma Kaul, University of Alberta
Research Area: Diabetes

Negotiating Care and Navigating Health Services: The Experiences of Community-Dwelling People Living with Dementia and their Family Caregivers
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Baumbusch, University of British Columbia
Research Area: Dynamics of Caregiving in an Aging Society

Developing a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Children and Youth Seeking Gender-Affirming Health Care (GENDER-Q Kids)
Principal Investigator: Anne Klassen, McMaster University
Research Area: Gender Methods and Measures

Discovery of Genes and Mechanisms Underlying Sex Differences in Insulin Pathway Function using Drosophila as a Model
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Rideout, University of British Columbia
Research Area: Genetics

Research Chair on Gender and Intervention in Addiction: Better Understanding the Trajectories of Use of Psychoactive Substances in order to Improve Health Services and Policies
Principal Investigator: Karine Bertrand, Université de Sherbrooke
Research Area: Health Services and Policy Research

Investigating the Effects of Sex and Gonadal Function on Immunity and the Sex Disparity in Multiple Sclerosis Incidence and Progression
Principal Investigator: Shannon Dunn, Unity Health Toronto
Research Area: Infection and Immunity

Advancing Gender-Transformative Sexual Health Policy and Practice
Principal Investigator: Kate Shannon, University of British Columbia
Research Area: Institute of Gender and Health Mandate

Epidemiological Methods in Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis Plus (SGBA+): Advancing Intersectional Approaches to Sex and Gender Science
Principal Investigator: Greta Bauer, University of Western Ontario
Research Area: Institute of Gender and Health Mandate

Focusing on Sex and Gender in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Principal Investigator: Meng-Chuan Lai, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto)
Research Area: Institute of Gender and Health Mandate

LGBTQI2S Wellness and Resilience
Principal Investigator: Robert-Paul Juster, CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'lle-de-Montréal-Santé Mentale
Research Area: LGBTQI2S Wellness and Resilience

Studying Sex Differences in Chronic Pain and Fatigue in a Semi-Naturalistic Environment in the Mouse
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Mogil, McGill University
Research Area: Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis

Sex Differences in the Effect of Age on Episodic Memory-Related Brain Function Across the Adult Lifespan
Principal Investigator: M. Natasha Rajah, McGill University
Research Area: Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

Sex Differences in Placental and Fetal Development
Principal Investigator: Wendy Robinson, University of British Columbia
Research Area: Studying Sex as a Biological Variable
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