Supporting Early Career Researchers in Human Development, Child and Youth Health
Message from Dr. Christine Chambers

Supporting early career researchers (ECRs) is crucial as they navigate the early stages of their careers and strive to establish themselves in the academic and research community. Their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas have great potential to make a meaningful difference in human development, child and youth health in Canada and beyond. The team at IHDCYH is pleased to announce the launch of our ECRs in Human Development, Child and Youth Health grants, which includes a funding pool for Indigenous Human Development, Child and Youth Health research, as well as a pool for Human Development, Child and Youth Health research for Equity-Deserving Groups.
ECRs often face numerous challenges, including securing funding, gaining access to resources and mentorship, and establishing a strong professional network. In the IHDCYH Strategic Plan we have committed to taking a holistic approach to the career pathway, and this competition is an important component of our strategy. As a reminder, applications are also open until April 22 for the SickKids-CIHR-IHDCYH New Investigator Research Grants in Child and Youth Health. Please share both opportunities with your networks.
Scientific Director of the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health
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