Message from the Scientific Director, Dr. Fei-Fei Liu

September 24 is World Cancer Research Day. This global movement aims to promote awareness of the impact of cancer research, and to create a unified, collaborative effort towards advancing cancer research worldwide.
On this World Cancer Research Day, I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who has enabled the cancer research ecosystem in Canada to flourish and grow. To the cancer researchers across Canada, who continue to push the boundaries of research and strive for scientific excellence, your hard work and commitment to life-changing discoveries are the bedrock to Canadian cancer research. To the resolute patient partners, caregivers, and families, your contributions continue to propel cancer research; keeping us grounded on the importance of clinical impact. Thank you for your advocacy, support and guidance, your voice is crucial to the conduct of inclusive and meaningful research.
To the outstanding healthcare professionals, who work tirelessly to provide exceptional care to people across the country with lived and living experiences of cancer, your tireless dedication to cancer care and research is unparalleled. To our national and international partners, who share our mission; your commitments to collaboration and knowledge exchange enable widespread innovation across both the country and the globe. These collaborative partnerships fuel our progress towards a cancer-free world. To our government and policy makers, who provide the critical investments and leadership in accelerating translational cancer research into policy, program, and practice, you play a key role in the actualization of cancer research findings for the Canadian and global population.
Cancer continues to be the leading cause of death in Canada, and remains a leading cause of death worldwide. Let us all continue our collective efforts, and work together to render cancer defenseless against our research. Thank you everyone for your relentless dedication and perseverance against this formidable disease.
Learn more about World Cancer Research Day.
Best regards,
Scientific Director, Institute of Cancer Research
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